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How to Learn and Play Chess for Beginners? 7 Rules To Start

How to learn and play chess for beginners? One of the oldest and most well-liked board games is chess. It is played between two opponents using specially created pieces in opposing colors, usually white and black, on a checkered board. To capture your opponent's king is the game's goal. Chess is an abstract game of strategy with no secret information. On a 64-square chessboard with an eight-by-eight grid, it is played. The board game of chess is played by two players. Regarded distinguish it from similar games like xiangqi and shogi, it is frequently referred to as international chess or Western chess. How to learn and play chess for beginners Step 1: Setting Up The Chessboard The chessboard is first set up so that each player has the white (or light) color square in the bottom right corner. Chess board setup After then, the chess pieces are always placed in the same order. The pawns are arranged in the second row (or rank). Following the bishops, who always move on their corre

How To Get A Girlfriend Faster: A 7 Steps Guide for Beginners

How to get a girlfriend faster? Here is a step by step guide. When all they truly want is a woman, why do males work so hard to learn how to be "pickup artists" and all these seduction techniques?

I think the reason for this is because males have an irrational yet innate yearning.

It's the desire to CONQUER sexually. We seek the high of triumph, the satisfaction of overcoming a difficulty, and the ego-boosting affirmation of sexual POWER.

Nothing is more addicting to the masculine psyche in many respects. This characterizes us as guys. Don't feel bad; there is nothing wrong with that as well.

The other night, at a cocktail party, I was chatting with my friend Jeff about his experience becoming excellent with women, having a lot of women to date, and how he wasn't very pleased "dating around."

How To Get A Girlfriend Faster

Yes, I am aware that this is absurd, yet it applies to practically every male I encounter. When you reach the point when you're less focused on meeting women and being laid, you begin to understand that all you really want—all that would truly fulfill you—is to locate one nice catch.

You may start being the chooser after you've given up asking.

You obviously want to learn how to get a partner.

OK, these are my...

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want to be a girlfriend steps to make a girlfriend where can i get women how to get a girlfriend how to make girlfriend how can i get a girlfriend need a girlfriend

1. Don't go looking for a girlfriend!

You're going to find that you'll frighten off a LOT of individuals if your only goal is to satisfy your sexual itch.

Despite what you may believe, getting a woman is not your GOAL. Your objective is only the NEXT STEP in the process; it is not the END.

Your objective is to strengthen your social network, which is like to building a great, thick safety net.

It lessens your level of loneliness and, over time, improves your chance of finding a decent lady.

A competent detective avoids going for the culprit directly.

They search for clues and proof that will point them in the direction of their top targets.

2. Adopt the interviewer's demeanor

Qualifying, qualifying, qualifying

Qualification is everything, my friend. Being the chooser rather than the selected is the only way to keep a positive attitude in public.

Consider the distinctions between the interviewer and the interviewee.

You may either be the man who picks among them or the guy who goes in, kisses ass, and sells himself to the firm to obtain a job.

If you've ever conducted interviews, you are familiar with the process. You have a powerful sense of being THE MAN. It's a little hectic.

The mentality between a guy who goes out and tries to attract women's attention and a person who goes out to see if any ladies can impress him differs like NIGHT AND DAY.

3. Turn becoming a social strategist

Make the most of your network possible.

You should definitely take some time to consider who you know and who they know. You then begin signing up for each of their social events one by one.

Here is a method that really works. (I'll be discussing more about it in my future show, which will air in a few months.)

Simply connect with everyone in your buddy network to start.

Meet up with them, have a drink or lunch, and just rekindle your relationship.

Make it a point to establish a stronger relationship with them so that you may influence them to think of you whenever they host or attend a party.

Use a phrase like:

Hey, John, it's been good catching up with you. By the way, I've been on a recent binge of simply going out and socializing while making sure all of my pals are having a good time. So please contact me if you are planning any parties or social events if you think it would be enjoyable.

Give him your Facebook address, mobile phone number, and email address. Even better, get a card printed that has ONLY this information and your first name.

4. Multiple Streams of Female Income

One of the main tenets of my approach is that you can't afford to rely just on one way to meet women. mostly because if you don't succeed in making that one strategy work for you the way you want it to, you'll be kicked out of the game and socially out of luck.

AND both your attitude and your success will suffer.

Similar to stock ownership, never put all your eggs in one basket while dating. When the dot-com bubble burst in 2001–2002, everyone who had a sizable investment in technology stocks lost a lot of money.

Diversify is a universal rule.

You won't be burnt if you spread your risk among a few effective strategies.

(Can you tell I recently saw "Wall Street" again?)

Pick your top 5 and practice them hard. Don't try to accomplish everything at once since you won't get excellent at any of them. That is how to quickly find a girlfriend. Most popular platforms?

  • Dating on demand
  • Dating sites
  • Online social networks
  • Social gatherings and parties
  • A daytime strategy
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5. Identify the type of girl you truly desire

To find a nice lady, you must be aware of the precise attributes you are seeking. You need to have a lot of qualities to get along with her, especially if you want to keep her.

You'll notice that the majority of pick-up artists lack the capacity to maintain relationships. They can pick up a lady at a bar, but if you ask them for advice on how to find a lasting relationship, they will just advise you to enroll in another course.

I know how to keep a wonderful lady around since I've been in relationships that lasted anything from 30 minutes to 5 years.

Knowing WHAT you want is crucial, and sometimes that requires...

6. Date ENOUGH women to understand your true desires

Many males don't date enough women to identify the attributes they truly desire.

In actuality, I've never encountered a man who claimed to still seek the same qualities in a woman that he did when he first started dating.

You come to discover that many of the things you Believed you wanted weren't as significant as you thought after meeting a lot of women. And you find brand-new stuff that you actually need.

The biggest error that most people—both men and women—make is to rush into a relationship because they detest dating. These guys find being alone so agonizing that they get into the first relationship that presents themselves.

As a result, they never learn how to date; instead, they simply hope to meet a decent person before the undesirable ladies do.

However, doing this is similar to taking the first job you can find merely to acquire a job, even if you're not sure you'll like it. Even if you have a job, if you don't make the right decision, you'll only be dissatisfied. Eventually, you'll either lose your job or resign.

For women, the same is DOUBLY true.

If you make the wrong decision, you'll be far more unhappy in a relationship than you would be alone.

You're better off alone than with the wrong lady, always remember that.

A woman's sole purpose in my life is to elevate my level of happiness. She isn't the kind of girlfriend I want if she isn't doing that.

And you don't either!

And now for the final guideline that, if followed, will make sure you have a girlfriend in no time.

If you want to know how to obtain a partner, read on to see how I did it in my life without using mail-order brides:

7. Get out there and make as many new friends as you can

I've relocated all across the nation and three times had to restart my life. I relocated from upstate New York to San Francisco, Washington, DC, Kansas City, and so on. I had to find new buddies every time.

I discovered something that has made all the difference between being socially successful and alone:

  • If you come across a lot of people,
  • Some of them you won't ever see again.
  • Some of them will become acquaintances.
  • Some of them will become your pals.
  • With some, you'll do business.
  • Some of them will become your girlfriends.

However, the more people you meet, the more of each sort you receive. It is a CERTAINTY in both statistics and society.

Your social life is similar to the "Sales Funnel," where you put 100 people in at the top, and only a select handful come out the bottom as buyers.

The rule of numbers that simply requires that you get out of your a** and go meet some new people is the most clear one there is.

The beautiful part is that it makes no difference HOW you meet them!

What matters is NOT WHO you meet. You may come across elderly mothers who may introduce you to their daughters or even granddaughters.

Final thought

You'll meet ladies who will introduce you to their great male pals, who will then present you to an ex-girlfriend, a cousin, or the nanny of one of your sister's closest friends, who may wind up becoming your next girlfriend.

Simply put, you have no idea how you'll meet your next girlfriend.

That's all I have to say if you want my advise on how to find a girlfriend. Simple as that.

Consider it a life conundrum that you must solve. You will experience a level of abundance in your life that will ASTONISH you if you can only meet a few individuals each week.
